Welcome to the
Congregational Church of Temple, N.H.
Pastoral Ministry
The Congregational Church of Temple is presently seeking both an interim pastor and a part-time pastoral support minister
Bible Study
Bible study continues on most Tuesday nights at 5:30 pm in the church hall.
Please contact Kim McLain or the office for details. All welcome!
Online Giving
Please send checks to the Church Office at PO Box 115, Temple NH 03084-0115.
Church Office
The church office is open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
If you need help, please contact our church secretary,
by phone (603) 878-4177, or email: secretary @ templecc.org
Faith Food Pantry
The food pantry is open on the THIRD SATURDAY of each month from 9-12 AM and on the FIRST WEDNESDAY from 5-7 PM
The pantry is located at #338, RTE. 45, Temple, NH. Access is via the driveway between the parish house on Leighton Lane and Birchwood Inn.
Please visit our food pantry website (faithfoodpantry.org)
We are now hosting livestream on YouTube

here at 10 am on Sunday mornings!
You can view past Sunday services at: